Saturday, March 20, 2021

Batik style fabric painting tutorial


Powerpoint by Lydia

Ideas and Show and Tell. Mar 20, 2021

 An interesting option for field trip



 Book club "assignment" for the chapter on limitations, mostly self-imposed.  
Theme-- "no rules" using something I have on hand--a drawer full of seam binding, bias tape, rick rack lace and trim (at least one package proceed at 25 cents).

Started with a "canvas" made with stitch witchery. I randomly dropped the assortment on the canvas, pressed without rearranging. Many did not touch the fusible so put tulle on top and stitched down. Sewed lace rosettes on top. It's so put of the box for me I'm going to hang in my  "creating" room. Maybe one day it will grow up and be a studio.