LAQ Notes
Present via Zoom: Barbara, Brett, Carmen, Christy, Dolly, Judy, Kathleen, Mary C. (Zoom host), Mary K., Maureen, Michaella, Ronda
Old Business:
Dolly researched teachers offering lectures, classes, or workshops via Zoom. The web sites of those who might work best for LAQ are:
An email survey will be sent out to members to determine how we proceed.
She also mentioned a site with lots of $38 classes - video only, no teacher access or student interaction.
Since we plan expenditures this year, we will continue to collect annual dues. Send $20 to Brett Selmer, 2608 E Park Ave, Laramie, WY 82070-4862
Discussion about challenges included utilizing Deb Donnell’s donated fabric in a fall book club with Artful Improv by Cindy Grisdela.
We have several Hospice quilts in progress and Barbara is making labels. The requested size is approximately 58” x 72”. It’s better for the quilts to be more narrow than wide to avoid getting caught up in bed rails or tangled in legs. Brett has another pattern that would work. Mary K. continues to provide pro bono quilting for LAQ Hospice quilts with 13 in queue. Several volunteered to help with binding. Our current Hospice contact is Lisa Shipley, their volunteer coordinator. Update: Hospice re-opened Monday, February 15. Mary C. and Brett are looking into an optional (virtual?) workday mid-to-late March.
Dye Days at Dolly’s may be scheduled for August.
New Business
Mary K. will provide a Photographing Your Work demo in the fall
Show and Tell:
Next meeting: March 20
9:00 am social; 9:30 business
Lydia will present a Painting on Fabric demo
"Aviary" 42 x 57
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