Friday, June 18, 2021

LAQ Show and Tell- June 19th

Mary C


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Inspiration, start of collage, collage with mono printing. Mix of commercial and hand-dyed fabric.

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I will be out of town on Saturday so here are my challenge photos. I am looking forward to checking the blog on my return and seeing everyone’s pieces.
The challenge was fun. I am not sure if I will quilt the pieces or not. I was given the dark blue green fabric and found some red orange to compliment it. I was surprised that the orange background was more appealing. I am not usually an orange person.


    The finished free motion quilt that went to a baby.

Close-up of the quilt with some freelancing on my part. The yellow is the dandelions in our neighbors Alfalfa field. The green is a barley that the baby's daddy plants in our field.

Free motion quilt practice that can be turned into a square for a quilt as you go quilt. Top square 10 in, bottom Square 12 in. They can be seamed together and then turned over and stitched. The batting is bigger so I could hold on to the piece while I was quilting it.


This is for the Lyric challenge


Mirror image by accident!

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